The final stage of Chronic Kidney Disease is called End Stage Renal Disease.

At this stage the kidneys are no longer able to remove enough wastes and excess fluid from the body.

Treatment for this may include Dialysis and/or Kidney Transplantation.

of the population is at some level of chronic kidney disease


Dialysis is a process of filtering the blood of harmful waste products, extra salt and water.Hemodialysis uses a machine to pump the blood through an artificial kidney (dialyzer) which removes the wastes. Peritoneal Dialysis uses the lining of your abdomen to filter the blood.

The physicians at Caritas Medical Center are attuned to the challenges patients on dialysis face and they constantly strive to ensure every patient gets excellent dialysis treatments provided with compassion. They encourage our patients to do home dialysis if it is appropriate for them and they have adequate support systems.

They facilitate early referral for kidney transplantation. Once patients are stable after transplant, they are to once again provide care for the patients locally as they are well versed in the care of transplant patients.

We do not want our patients to live for dialysis. We want dialysis to help them live but it should only be a small part of their lives. We encourage our patients to work if they can, volunteer, be involved in the community, exercise of the day that they do not do dialysis and to have fun filled days that dialysis allows them to enjoy.

Our providers do not rest until they have helped our patients be “The best that they can be!”

Americans are in the Final Stage of Kidney Disease


Dr. Leo Ovadje
LaTasha Jefferson
Dr.Deepu Daniel
Dr.Jun-ki Park


January 2025
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